
Beautiful Views On The WaterFront

Get to Spain’s most adventurous spot- Costa Brava for a sail to remember. We’ll begin in Palamos, a wonderful town where you can learn about Catalan culture and try seafood that’s out of the world! Then, hop aboard a Goleta and explore the delightful Costa Brava and its beautiful coves and inlets – also perfect for a swimming dip.

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Become An Oyster Connoisseur At A Farm

Situated far from Bordeaux’s hustle-bustle is the ocean-facing resort of Arcachon. Known for its oyster harvesting traditions, it’s a farmhouse to enjoy all of the sea’s splendors. Enjoy biting into the fresh pick of the day right off the Atlantic and differentiate the taste of one oyster from the other under your guide’s expert eye.

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Swim With Dolphins

There’s something exhilarating about being face-to-face with one of the sea’s most intelligent inhabitants. The wild dolphins of beautiful Sao Miguel await us in their natural habitat, where we engage with them in the most authentic and responsible way.

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